Friday, January 28, 2011

How Do Trees Reduce Air Pollution?

Pollution is prevented by plants in many ways. The atmosphere contains many elements the ratio of which keeps changing from time to time due to our activities such as changes in land use, afforestation, deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. This results in the production of large quantities of carbonmonoxide, aerosols, dust and methane.
Trees act in many ways to reduce pollution in the atmosphere by acting as a sink for carbonmonoxide.  The process of photosynthesis synthesizes carbohydrates using the carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, sunlight and water. The resulting oxygen is sent into the atmosphere which living organisms need.
The atmosphere is also cooled by plants by a process known as transpiration where water vapor is released into the atmosphere.
Dust particles and aerosols settle on the dense foliage of the trees and as such as act as curtains and barriers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information about transpiration. Trees are very important for life in the world. Deforestation is about to be banned in most countries. Air pollution is only caused by less trees and more industrialization.
