Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Does "Schedule H Drug" Indicate?

The Drugs and Cosmetic Act and Rules (D&C Act) covers the manufacture and sales of all drugs. One of the schedules of the D&C Act rules is the Schedule H.This schedule includes the prescription of drugs under rules 96 and 97.

Rule 96 requires that a conspicuous red vertical line is printed on the left side running throughout the body of the label of the innermost container and the other covering of the container in which the drug is packed.

Rule 97 deals with the labeling of the medicines. If it contains a Schedule drug then the symbol Rx should be conspicuously displayed and the warning "Schedule H Drug" to be sold only on the prescription of a medical practitioner should also be printed in the container.

Schedule H drugs include a huge list of medicine which commonly include narcotic drugs, ranitidine, mabandazole, ibuprofen, diazepam and some anti-biotics.

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