This is a kind of alternate therapy that uses massage techniques for the relief of a number of ailments and is believed to have been developed by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha a contemporary of Buddha and personal physician to King Bimbisara – some 2500 years ago and for centuries was performed by monks as a component of Thai medicine.
This is a form of massage that is more rigorous and energizing when compared to the more classic forms of massage. This is also known as Thai yoga massage since some yoga like stretch exercises are incorporated into the technique. Acupressure, muscle compression, and joint mobilization are also used during a session of Thai massage therapy and is usually carried out on a padded mat on the floor. No oil is used and as such it can be done on a fully clothed person.
A typically Thai massage session last from sixty minutes to as long as two hours.
Thai massage is typically used for the following conditions:
Ø Relaxation
Ø Improvement of blood circulation
Ø Increasing energy level
Ø Increasing flexibility
Ø Improving range of motion
Ø Centering the body and the mind.